Cutting Fabrics - LolliPlus Quilt Along

Hey Hey! Welcome to Week 2 of the LolliPlus Quilt Along!

This week, we begin cutting our fabrics. In the video below, I explain how to be efficient and keep track of your cuts. I also explain how to work with scraps vs. yardage.

The video will go live on February 10, 2024…If you are here before that, be sure to sign up for the quilt along.

Tips and Tricks

  1. I like to cut my fabrics by plus. I organize them by plus in the beginning and then cut each PLUS at the same time, with three fabrics stacked together. Then, I can just put them in little stacks on a tray.

  2. Pressing your fabrics first is advised for the best cut. (I can’t confirm or deny if I did that this time…don’t judge me. Life is busy…)

  3. Put a new blade on your rotary cutter if you haven’t done that in a while.

  4. I like to use a long ruler for my first clean-up cuts and a smaller 6.5” ruler for cutting the individual pieces.

LolliPlus Quilt Along Schedule 2024

Week 1 - February 3 - Select Fabrics by Today

Week 2 - February 10 - Cutting Fabrics

Week 3 - February 17 - Piecing PLUS Sub-Blocks

Week 4 - February 24 - Layout

Week 5 - March 2 - Top Assembly + Quilting Ideas


Sewing PLUS Sub-Blocks - LolliPlus Quilt Along


Selecting Fabrics for LolliPlus Quilt Along